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Selected Past Charities

The following are the charities selected in our past meetings.  Congratulation to all!

March 3, 2025

Backpack Buddies assists in feeding children from families who face food insecurity. On weekends, these children often do not eat enough, or don’t eat at all. With a growing network of schools and distribution partners across BC, Backpack Buddies gets bags of food into the hands of over 6,000 kids every Friday.  They ensure they have the meals and snacks they need to last the weekend.

Based on the North Shore, Backpack Buddies plans to use our donation to provide meals to over 400 children for a weekend.


December 2, 2024

Family Services of the North Shore is a non-profit community-based agency serving the North Shore for over 60 years.  They offer a multitude of counselling/support programs from counselling youth, LGBTQ2S+, seniors, caregivers, end of life and grief, and gender-based violence/trauma/abuse, as well as volunteer engagement opportunities to help people reach their full potential throughout their lives.  Their support is either free or offered at discounted rates.

Our donation will be utilized to support the North Shore Christmas Bureau and ensure that their 3000+ North Shore families, individuals, and seniors, celebrate with a warm meal and are able to spend time with family over the holidays.  The funding will help ensure each Christmas Bureau client receives personalized presents and holiday gift baskets.  Approximately 200 volunteers are dedicated to the Christmas Bureau and donate 6000 hours annually to make it possible.

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Setpember 9, 2024

The North Shore Women's Centre, for over 50 years, has been dedicated to improving the social, economic, legal and political status of women, encouraging and supporting self empowerment by acting as a resource centre and catalyst for change from feminist perspectives. They aim to provide women with access to resources and assist them with life choices, actively addressing violence against women at all levels of the community, challenging sexism and discrimination in the community and working towards the elimination of the feminization of poverty.

Our donation will be used to further develop two youth-based programs: Flip the Script, a 12-hour evidence-based sexual assault prevention training program designed for 15-24 year old female-identified youth and Safe Dates, a school-based teen relationship abuse prevention curriculum for all youth from grades 8-12, which targets attitudes and behaviours to stop dating violence before it ever starts by helping teens to recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships.

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June 3, 2024

The mission of Vancouver Food Runners is to respond to the disconnect between the fact that 58% of food produced in Canada is wasted or lost and that 1 in 6 households in BC are food insecure.  The program leverages app technology and works  with over 3100 volunteer food drivers who deliver surplus food to over 140 non-profit partners across Metro Vancouver. They strategically partner with smaller food businesses such as caterers, restaurants, cafeterias, hotels and meal prep companies who historically do not have a mechanism for surplus food donation. This allows for increased food access and more equitable distribution to their numerous non-profit partners across the region, allowing quick and efficient distribution to residents experiencing food insecurity. Over 12,000 community members are reached through VFR food donations on a monthly basis. 1,263,540 lbs of food were rescued in 2023, equivalent to 1,030,450 meals, and the program grew by 51% from 2022 to 2023.

Among their non-profit partners on the North Shore are NS Family Services, Harvest Project, NS Shelter and Housing, NS Wellness Centre, NS Neighbourhood House, St. Andrews United Church and Norgate Xwemelch'stn Community School.  Funding from 100WWC will be used to further develop the programs on the North Shore.

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March 4, 2024

Canadian Mental Health Ass'n North & West Vancouver

Founded in 1918, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is a national charity that helps maintain and improve mental health for all Canadians.  In BC, they provide mental health and addiction services to adults and youth, aged 13+, low barrier, homeless or housed. 

Our funding will be used to support services at the Kelty Dennehy Mental Health Resource Centre (KDMHRC). At the Kelty, people affected by mental health challenges, as well as their family and friends, can feel comfortable seeking support, getting trusted information, and finding community resources. These programs include 15 social support groups, a peer navigation program, and a curated, mental health resource library. The free social support groups, open to everyone, offer both in-person or virtual participation. The funds will support their social support groups and ensure they not only maintain but grow their offerings to meet the community’s need. Most of these groups are facilitated by volunteers and peers with lived experience of mental illness and/or substance use. Essential to this program is the training and supervision of our volunteer peers to ensure quality and expertise in all our programming.

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December 4, 2023

YWCA May Brown House & The Mothering Room

Since its inception in 1897, YWCA Metro Vancouver has worked tirelessly to achieve women's equality.

Today, it is one of Metro Vancouver's largest and most diversified non-profit organizations. It provides integrated services that help lift women and families out of poverty, and supports personal, collective and economic well-being, safe and affordable housing, giving a foundation to move towards health, well-being and economic stability. 

 This past year food security has continued to be an issue for residents due to inflation. Resources and supports have been provided to residents including scholarships, counselling resources, legal supports and employment programs. The YWCA focuses on encouraging education through scholarships.  The 100 Women Who Care donation would be used to provide scholarships for single mothers in the two North Shore houses, May Brown House and The Mothering Room.

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September 11, 2023

The Whole Dyslexic Society

The mission of the Whole Dyslexic Society is to offer a coordinated and central approach in addressing the needs of the dyslexic individual, their families and their community, while ensuring a safe place for accelerated learning, healing, education, social interaction and support of individual growth and development. The Society was founded in 2001 to serve the 1/3 of the population who have an alternative learning style.  The Society provide OUTREACH through free talks, professional development day sessions, and videos and documentaries.  They aim to PREVENT the challenges from ever arising through the use of the Davis Learning Strategies programs and also work to maintain a COMMUNITY of like-minded individuals.  Their aim is to provide an equal opportunity for every child entering the education system. Our donation will provide program bursaries to lower income families currently on their waitlist.


September 12, 2022

March 7, 2022

North Shore Rescue Team Society

December 6, 2021

West Vancouver United Church Refugee Program

September 13, 2021

Backpack Buddies

March 1, 2021

December 7, 2020

June 1, 2020

Harvest Project

March 2, 2020

Canadian Mental Health Association - North/West Vancouver

December 2, 2019

Family Services of the North Shore

June 3, 2019

West Vancouver Branch - BCSPCA

June 4, 2018

Avalon Women's Support Society

March 5, 2018

The HOpe Centre

December 4, 2017

Highlands United Church - Shelter to Home Program

September 11, 2017

Terry Fox Foundation

March 6, 2017

Dress for Success

December 5, 2016

Harvest Project

June 6, 2016

Kidsafe Project

March 7, 2016

ONE TO ONE Literacy Society

December 7, 2015

West Vancouver United Church Syrian Refugee Sponsorship

September 14, 2015

June 1, 2015

Harvest Project

March 23, 2015

December 1, 2014

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